Bass comes in on bar 2.
A --5-5-5-4-5-7-7-7-777--------------------------
E ------------------------5-55-7--55-7--55-7--555 (X 4)
"Seen enough to..." "but i seen too much..."
This section is where the guitar just hits D chord twice
A --555--5-55-5-55-5-555
E ---------------------- (X 2)
In this bit the guitar chocks out E and A.
A ------------------0-0-0-00-0-00-0-00-----
E --000000000000000------------------------ (X 4)
Then it goes..
(this bit pretty much follows the verse rythym, but just E and Fsharp)
A -----------------------------------------
E --0-0-0-00-0-00-0-000--2-2-2-22-2-22-2-22 (X 4)
hold the Fsharp for one bar (give it a good hammering before going back
into verse bit again)
Verse bit again X4.
(the last 2 bits of the 4 accompany the guitar solo)
now the guitars stop and you get a solo yourself (yahoo) but dont
get excited its not very interesting.
A --5------7----------------5------7--------
E ------------------5---------------------5-
Then back into verse.
chuck in a couple of outrageously distorted and Wah Wah-ed guitar solo's and
Bob's yer uncle, play to fade.