High E {-------------------------------------}
B {-------------------------------------}
G {-------------------------------------}
D {-------------------------------------}
A {-------------------------------------}
Low E {----0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0--3-3-3-3--5-5-5-5}
The high string is the thinest string
This is the main riff of Buck Rogers. It is the
First song that i learnt by ear. the song is
sooo easy if u do it this way. Please rate this tab
much appreciated Matt Wharton :).
P.S if you want to learn guitar by ear so that you don't
have to read all these tabs my advice would be to go to
the forums in maxiummusician.com and go to the forums
click on learnbyear but mxtabs is the best in my opinion.
improved version
i'd like help from other guitar players please