starts with this
Repeats this for rest of the song
I came across the lyrics to this song a few years ago & loved it, by chance a few weeks
later I actually heard it on the radio for the 1st & only time & it was a fun song! All
the more fitting because we have a miniature Dachshund, Josie
I'm a tiny dog named Dixie.
I have small feet which pitter patter on the linoleum floor.
You can hear my toenails in the middle of the night.
My tag says I belong to the Johnsons but they don't own me they just feed me, they just
bought me one day.
And in the middle of the day I sit in the sun and I hear young children call me a
weiner-dog perhaps thats what I am - the dramatic term is dachshund and I like that.
I'm thin and I'm proud, no one can make fun of me,
I can slip through the bars of a prison if I were incarcerated but I don't know what I
would do wrong-my body yields no evil inclination.
I'm a pure weiner dog.
My name is Dixie and I go dancing across the floor inthe evening of the Johnsons when
everyone is sleeping, sometimes I look for a morsel of food but they are so clean, they
are almost anal retentive in their cleanliness habit and there is nothing for me. But I
don't despair because I know tomorrow my gaines burger will be there and they will unwrap
the plastic from them and feed me this succulant dish and I will eat and oh I've watched
the German shepards with their long necks, their long graceful necks dipping into the
toliet to drink whenever they want to have a drink of cool water in that well, but I
must plead, I must beg, I must whine for Mr. Johnson to put out my bowl or one of the
Johnson boys
to refill it after I drink it because I am Dixie the dog and I like water.
And in the middle of hte night you can see me dancning a small Fred Astaire tap dance
with my little toenails, they go click, click,click against the linoleum and I run down
the hall and I slide and the back of me goes in front of me-slowly.