Tuning: Drop D
Intro: Right as the song begins you do A1 and let it ring for like 5 secs. Then after
that you proceed with A2 straight into A3. Then while playing A3 when the time of the
song is about 00:17 A4 comes in which is a second guitar.
A1 A2 A3 A4 (Second Guitar)
(X1) (X1) (X8) (X1 on the X4 of A3)
Chorus: This part contains heavy distortion.
B1 B2
(X3) (X1)
Verse: This part is in clean tone.
PreChorus: This part contains heavy distortion
PreBridge: This part contains heavy distortion
(Phaser/ Lite Distortion)
Song Order:
Intro: X1
Chorus: X2
Verse: X10
PreChorus: X1
Chorus: X2
Verse: X10
PreChorus: X2
Chorus: X2
PostChorus: X4
Bridge: X4
Chorus: X2
PostChorus: X4
End with: