Tune half step down Eb Ab Db Gb Bb eb
B bend full step
b bend half step
b1/4 bend up 1/4 step
B1/2 bend 1 1/2 steps up
pb pre bend
r realse bend
~ vibrato
h hammer on
p pull off
/ slide up
\ slide down
pm palm mute
t tap
n natural harmonic
ph pinch harmonic
d down pick
u up pick
tr trill
x play muted string
+ wah closed(toe down)
0 wah open(toe up)
. staccato
pm------------| pm-------------| pm-------------| pm-----------|
pm------------| pm-------------|
slight pm-------------------------------------------------|
hold bend---------|
pm----| pm-------| pm-----------|
pm------| hold bend------|
pm-------------| pm-----------| pm-------------| pm----------------|
t t t t t t t t
t t t t
hold bend----------|
d---------| d----------|
d---------| d----------|
d----------| d----------| d----------|
Grt.1(w/ octaver)
Grt.1(w/ octaver)
pm------------| pm-------------| pm------------| pm-------------|
pm------------| pm-------------| pm------------| pm-------------|
*Produce harmonis by plucking siteent-note sextuplets
while sliking in direction indicated
*harmonic is located one-tenth the distance between the 3rd & 4th frets
| pm----------------------------| pm----------------------------|
*gradualy bend while rapidly tapping
*gradualy bend while rapidly tapping
| pm------------------------------------|
hold bend----------|
t t t t t t t t t t t
t t t t t t t t t t t
t t t t t t
. . . . . . . . . w/ wah-wah
| pm pm pm pm pm pm pm pm pm
+ 0 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 0 +
*hold bend and gradually release
**using a guitar with les paul style electronics,
set lead volume to 0 and rhythm volume to 10.
strike the strings while the pickup selector
switch is in ryhthm position then flip it back
forth between the two.
Grt.1(w/ octaver)
Grt.1(w/ octaver)
* g string rings out because of heavy vibrato
let ring----------------|