* Standard Tuning
* 3/5 means fret and strike 3 then slide upto 5
* /9 indicates sliding upto the 9th fret
* \9 slide downto 9th fret
* >>>>> slide up; <<<<< slide down
Big Ringing Intro Chords:
I wont tab the rythym here, just listen to the song. The trick here
is to listen how Starcrunch strikes a chord, pauses, strikes it again,
then immediately slides the whole chord upto (or down to) the next one.
Power Chords:
Again, no rythym notated here. Start with the A & C chords then
switch to an octave aproach for the D & E...
Riff A: (No you are not seeing notes on the 32nd or 20th fret...
The picking is very fast and subtle and I am sure I am
not tabbing every exact note. I ran some of the notes
together to try to indicate timing without wasting a
lot of space.)
* 14th fret ???
Repeat Riff A again and this time end with the Power Chords.
Riff B: (Just Riff A up an octave - a surf idiom!)
Part C: (Again the picking is fast and subtle; I am showing the
notes put not every pick!)
Next comes the Power chords again;
Followed by the first part of Riff B which rips into a solo.
(Anyone want to take a stab at the solo??)
End with: