Tune Down 1 & 1/2 Steps
C# F# B E G# C#
Tempo = 120 BPM
Time Signature = 4/4
Tablature Symbols Used:
p - Pull-Off
h - Hammer-On
P.M... - Palm Mute
\ - Slide Down to/Down From
/ - Slide Up To/Up From
( / ) - Legato Slide
( ) - Ghost Note/Tied Note/Implied Note
|__[1,2] - Alternative Endings
Intro: Guitar 1 with Heavy Distortion (Play once)
|--10 p 9--(9 \ 5)--|--(5 / 7)--7-----(5 / |
|------------10--9-------|---------------7----|--(7 \ 5)--(5 / 7)--|
| 7)-----7---------7----|--(7)---------------|--------------------------|
|--7 h 9--9--------||
Section 1a: Guitar 1 (Play twice) [ Tempo gradually increases to 126 BPM ]
Repeat the Intro twice for this section, allowing the final note to ring and
fade out
Section 1b: Guitar 2 with Heavy Distortion (Play twice)
|----------------------|---------------------| |
|----------------------|---------------------| |
|--5------4--4------2--|--2------2--2--------| |
|--3------2--2------0--|--0------0--0--------| |
... ... ...
Allow the final chord to ring out
Rest for 16 bars
Section 2a: Guitar 1 (Play twice)
Delay On: The delay consists of one "response" a half note later than tabbed
1 2
||-(9/12)---------------|-(12)---(12/16)-------(14 \11)--|
3 4 5
|----------12--12--------|--(12)\ 9-------------|-----------------------|
6 7
|-(11)---(12/16)--------(14 \11)--|--11--------------------|
8 9
10 11
|-(14)---(14/17)-------(16 \12)--|--12--------------------|
12 13
14 15
|-(14)--(14/17)-------(16 \12)--|--12--------------------|
|-(14)---12------ \----||
Delay Off
Section 2b: Guitar 2 (Play twice)
Delay On: The delay consists of one "response" a half note later than tabbed
1 2
||-(5/9)---------------|-(9)---(9/12)------(11 \7)--|
3 4 5
|---------9--9--------|--(9) \5--------------|---------------------|
6 7 8
|-(9)---(9/12)------(11 \7)--|--7------------------|-----------------7----|
|----------------------------|---------9--9--------|--(9) \ 5-------------|
9 10 11
|-(7/9)---------------|-(9)---(9/12)------(11 \7)--|--7------------------|
12 13 14
|-----------------7----|--(7/9)--------------|-(9)---(9/12)-------(11\ 7)--|
|--(9) \ 5-------------|---------------------|-----------------------------|
15 16
|---------9--9--------|--(9) \ 5------- \----||
Delay Off
Section 3: Guitars 1 & 2 (Play once)
||--0----------------|--(0)--------------|--(2 b 3 |
| r 2)------------|--0----------------|--(0)--------------|
|--(2 b 3 | r 2)-----------|--5----------------|
|--(5)-----(5/9)\ ----||
|--(3)-----(5/9)\ ----||
Repeat Section 1 twice
Repeat Section 2 twice
Repeat Section 3 once
Section 4: Guitars 1 & 2 (Play 4 times)
|-----------(7/10)------|--9------ \ 5--------|--(5)------3------- / |
|--------------------|-----------------------| |
|--------------------|-----------------------| |
| -7--------5--------|--(5)--------(5/7)\ --| |
|--------------------|-------------(5/7)\ --| |
On the second and fourth repeats Guitar 2 replaces the last 4 bars with the
|-----------7--------|--(7)------5------- / | -9--------7--------|
|---------------(5/12)\ --|
|---------------(5/12)\ --|
Repeat Section 1 twice, allowing the last notes to ring out
Tab summary: Intro x 1
Section 1 x 2
Section 2 x 2
Section 3 x 1
Section 1 x 2
Section 2 x 2
Section 3 x 1
Section 4 x 4
Section 1 x 2