Tune Down 2 Full Steps
C F A# D# G C
Tempo = 52 BPM
Time Signature = 4/4
Tablature Symbols Used:
p - Pull-Off
h - Hammer-On
(/) - Legato Slide (Blank space indicates length of slide)
\ - Slide Down to/Down From (Blank space indicates length of slide)
/ - Slide Up To/Up From (Blank space indicates length of slide)
( ) - Ghost Note/Tied Note/Implied Note
x - Dead Note/Muted Note
4b5 - Bend Note
4b5r4 - Bend then Release
|---| - Let Ring
|____[1,2,3] - Alternative Endings
REST - Rest, and sustain rest for duration of blank space
Intro: Guitars 1 & 2 with Heavy Distortion (Play twice)
|-----------------------------|-------------------|----------------------| |
|-----------------------------|-------------------|----------------------| |
|-----------------------------|-------------------|--6--------------- \-|*|
|-(5)-2--4----(4/7)--5--4--5--|--9----------------|--9--------------- \-| |
|-----------2-----------------|-------------------|----------------------| |
During the last 2 bars Guitar 1 takes the high notes and Guitar 2 takes the low.
On the last repeat, the last notes of the bar are held for the entire bar and do
not slide out downwards.
Lead Fills: Guitar 3 with Heavy Distortion
||--R- -----------|--------------------||
||--E- -7----6----|--7~~---------------||
||--S- -----------|--------------------||
||--T- -----------|--------------------||
This fill enters on bar 4 of the Intro, and plays during both repeats.
Section 2: Guitars 1 & 2 (Play 4 times)
|------| |___________________
||--5--------------- \-|-----0-------------------|--0----------------|
||----------------------|--2----------7--- \ 4----|--2----------------|
||----------------------|-------------5--- \ 2----|--3----------------|
|---------------------| |
|---------------------| |
|------------4--------| |
|---------------------| |
During the last bar, Guitar 2 plays the following:
Section 3.1: Guitar 1 (Play once)
Section 3.2: Guitar 2 (Play once)
Guitars 1 & 2 play the first 4 bars of Section 2 four times
Section 4: Guitars 1 & 2 (Play twice)
|-------------------| |
|--(0)--------------| |
|--(2)--------------| |
|--(3)--------------| |
Guitars 1 & 2 play Section 2 twice, using the alternative ending
Guitars 1 & 2 play Section 3 once
Guitars 1 & 2 play Section 2 four times, including the alternative ending
Guitars 1 & 2 play Section 3 once, leaving out the last bar
Outro 1.1: Guitar 1 (Play 4 times)
||--------------------|-------5----7----9----||--12------ \ 7--------|
||--------------------|-------3----5----7----||--10------ \ 5--------|
|----------------------|-------------------|----------------------| |
|----------------------|-------------------|----------------------| |
|-(7)---5----7----9----|--4----------------|-(4)---5----7----9----| |
|-(5)---3----5----7----|--2----------------|-(2)---3----5----7----| |
Ignore bars 1 and 2 during all subsequent repeats.
On the last repeat, replace the last two bars with the following single bar:
||-------R- -||
||-------E- -||
||-------S- -||
||--4----T- -||
Outro 1.2: Guitar 2 (Play 4 times)
|--16------ \ 11~~-------|-(11)---9----11----12-- \ | -7~~---------------|
Ignore bars 1 and 2 during all subsequent repeats.
On the last repeat, replace the last two bars with the following single bar:
||-------R- -||
||-------E- -||
||--7~~--S- -||
||-------T- -||
Tab summary: Intro x 2 + Lead Fills
Section 2 x 4
Section 3 x 1
Section 2 x 4
Section 4 x 2
Section 2 x 2
Section 3 x 1
Section 2 x 4
Section 3 x 1
Outro x 4